When a Blu Bulb meets a Porcus Pig, something magical happens... A great warmth is created, attracting colorful creatures from far and wide to rest and play by their side, getting happily lost for moments upon moments in the good energy that together they make... Some even change color!
Ink and pencil on 220g. A3 paper
Quick note on The Land of Nod: This is going to be an ongoing project of mine, so I'll be posting illustration after illustration, as they come. I'll put them all together in the end for a most magical surprise!!!Stay tuned...
For those of you who are in need of some fresh air, beautiful scenery, and a lot of positive energy, make your way up to Oyambre Beach in Comillas (Cantabria, Spain) where you'll also find The Flying Longboarder Surf Shop which, aside from a fine selection of surfboards, longboards, apparel, and some really nice surf photography books, you'll also find a lot of good art on the walls, including some High Lighter work by yours truly!
Here are some pics to help tell the tale...
"Nature is the Best Classroom"
"The 1st Stage in Lillyfoot's Circus"
"Desert Flower"
"Somewhere Around Midnight in the Enchanted Forest"
Great times this past weekend in Brixton for Urban Art 2009. Here are some shots of the action! Thanks to everyone for your love and support! xx
Meeshle, Love Artist and the Great Nic Holas in sing-song...
Me & the Great Nic Holas - making pretty! Those who give shall receive. Thanks for everything, Nic! (Photo courtesy of Alan Miah.)
Art on display: Pieces from the Technicolor Rainforest, Emblems, Paintbrush Art, New World Limited Edition Prints and Peace Comes from Within Tee's(see www.meeshle.com for more!)
Art on display: Pieces from the Technicolor Rainforest, Emblems, Paintbrush Art, New World Limited Edition Prints and Peace Comes from Within Tee's(see www.meeshle.com for more!)
A beautiful day chillin' with some homegirls... (Photo courtesy of Alan Miah.) Here's to new friendships and positivity!
Great time with the crew! Check out the Don't Think Twice Collective and Don't Think Twice Magazine on facebook.
"Subterranean Refuge" Did some live painting there at the show. (paint on canvas)
"SUPERTRANCE!" Decided to do some high lighter work - always fun!!!
In action!
Beautiful graffiti work by Ian. 2- 8"x16" panels!
Beautiful graffiti work by Zap Graffiti! (Pictured are Ciaran and son.) +++ Thanks to everyone who made this happen! And always remember, Don't Think Twice.
First show madness! --Had a great time! I'd like to thank everyone for stopping by, to all of the artists and their beautiful artwork, to Ciaran Robinson of Jumble Fresh for getting things started, and to the Old Shop which provided this wonderful space for the three-day event (25-27/06/09) . We fixed the place up and gave a deep breath of fresh air to the people of Luton, UK.
Here are some pics of the action. Enjoy!:
Welcome to Meeshledom! Fully equipped with all things pretty.* Original pieces exhibited included "Howie's Inexplicable Altering State," "Infinite Landscape," "Spiritual Travel," "I Love you, I really really do!" and "Many Moons," along with prints and "Peace Comes from Within Tee's" (all available at my online shop)!
A fancy little guestbook for the eye to see. If you look closely, it spells "guestbook"... for more detailed pics of the guestbook, visit: the facebook fan page!
Here's the piece I ended up doing on Saturday night, entitled "Love Life Eternal" - the newest member of the high lighters collection! Two words: SUPER FUN!!! (19"x24" ink on paper)
(in action!)
Ah, good times! ^^)
*****Guess that's about it! For more pics, please visit the facebook page. Other than that, I just want to say it was great seeing everyone and thanks again to all involved. Peace.*****